Wednesday, June 24, 2009

6 month stats

I took Sarah Douglas to her 6 mo check-up last week. Here are her stats:

weight: 15.6 lbs

height: 26 3/4 in.

head: 42 1/2 cm

She is currently eatitng Gerber Otmeal, fruit, and vegetables. She loves it all! She is sitting up by herself and loves to drink water from a sippy cup or my cup, but ends up spilling it all over herself. She is sleeping through the night (8pm-8am!!!) and she does not have any teeth yet; however, i think they will be in real soon.

Sarah Douglas is such a sweet, calm baby. Nothing ever seems to bother her and she just goes with the flow. We love her so much and are so blessed and thankful to have such a healthy baby.

1 comment:

  1. Can you believe that Mack is only two months old and him and Sarah Douglas almost weigh the same, he is 14lbs. 10 oz. He is huge!
    So glad she is sleeping so well, I know you are enjoying your rest. Take Care!

