John Clifton turned 9 months old June 2, 2011. I cannot believe how FAST time is flying by!! I really feel like i just had him! The month of June was a big month for him because he started officially crawling, eating gerber puffs/cheeto's/yogurt bites and he went for his first swim!!! He loved being in the pool and loves eating his new food! His little personality is really starting to shine! He loves to laugh and smile, and all in all he is a pretty laid back baby! He loves his big sister and always wants to play with her and be right next to her! They get along really well until he takes a toy away from her! Then the screaming begins, haha!!
I took JC to his 9 month wellness visit and he weighed 17 lbs! The dr. said he was a little under weight but his height and head circumference were in the average range! He is a healthy little boy and doing great!
Here are a few pics from the month of June!